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Welcome to Pro Wood Finishes!
In our eCatalog, you will find a wide selection of innovative products that will optimize your wood finishing process. We provide an unparalled level of service including our outstanding Color Match Lab. Pro Wood Finishes delivers quality that goes beyond the surface.
By adding items to your cart, you can submit a request for a quote. Our professional sales team will contact you with your pricing information.

Clear Finishes

Clear Sealers

Retarders & Blenders

Toners, Glazes, & Stains

Solid Color Lacquer, Enamels, & Primers


Fabric Guard & Fabric Treatment

Cleaners for Vinyl/Plastic /Leather & Furnisher



Glass & Stainless Steel Cleaners

Paint Remover

Wax Wash Remover

CA Glue Activators


Spray Heads

Preval Sprayers

Butane Fuel Refill

Aerosol Can Gun