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Welcome to Pro Wood Finishes!
In our eCatalog, you will find a wide selection of innovative products that will optimize your wood finishing process. We provide an unparalled level of service including our outstanding Color Match Lab. Pro Wood Finishes delivers quality that goes beyond the surface.
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Guardsman Deep Clean Spray Wood Cleaner

Guardsman Water Ring Remover

Guardsman Cleaner Wipe for Leather

Orange Hand Cleaner (Waterless)

3M Paint Buster Hand Cleaner

Mohawk Furniture Cleaner & Restorer

Mohawk Quick Clean

Mohawk Vinyl Plastic & Leather Cleaner

Mohawk Upholstery/Fabric Cleaner

Mohawk Plush Furniture Cleaner & Remover

Mohawk Leather Clean & Renew Wipes

Mohawk Leather Cleaner

Mohawk Leather Protector

Mohawk Leather Protector Wipes

Mohawk Leather Revive

3M Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish

Mohawk Wax Wash Remover

Mohawk Wax Wash Remover Aerosol

Mohawk Silicone Wash

Scrubs Hand Cleaner Towels in a Bucket

MEX Cleaner

Dirtex Spray Cleaner

#90 Wax & Grease Remover Solvent